Lucile Chaufour's feature movie ROSA is a part of a new transmedia project.The filmmaker will focus on representations of femininity and explore the history of computing by expanding the narrative of her film on several vectors: a science fiction feature film for cinema, an exhibition, several websites and a series of short films...
website : ROSA
Lucile Chaufour is currently writing the feature movie GAS GAS. The story takes place in the world of motorcycle racing.
website : Gas Gas
website : Gas Gas
The documentary film EAST PUNK MEMORIES was selected at the Cinéma du réel international documentary festival. The film received the Young Jury Award.
website : East Punk Memories
Lucile Chaufour's feature movie VIOLENT DAYS was released in France after it was shown in many festivals. It received the grand prize at EntreVues Belfort festival.
website : Violent days
Lucile Chaufour's short movie THE BITTERNESS OF CHOCOLATE was shown in Cannes - ACID - & theatres in France before VIOLENT DAYS.
website : The bitterness of chocolate